Thursday, June 6, 2013

It's a Combo Deal!

This blog's gonna be a bit of a two for one, because I plan on talking about what's going on now, as well as digging up a memory from before I started blogging my pregnancy.  I think it's safe to say that if I ever became a novel author (which I really highly doubt will ever happen), my books would be the kind that jump back and forth.  Very self indulgent writing, but when you're 9 months pregnant, you don't mind doing what you feel like doing when it's not likely anybody will mind either way.

So here's what's going on now:

We've added some furniture to our bedroom.  Here's the bassinet my dad and stepmom bought us, and a dresser we picked up at the D.I. yesterday.  $25.00.  It seems like whenever a dresser shows up at a thrift store anymore, it's scooped up immediately, so we must've been in the right place at the right time.  I love this blue color.  I keep calling it Dowton Abbey blue :)  This will be my dresser now, and at long last, Brad can have his back.  He's been using a smaller one, and it pretty much only has room for his t-shirts-and that man has a lot of t-shirts.  So t-shirts took up his whole dresser and some bags and boxes in the storage room.  We're both pretty thrilled about our new furniture addition.  This also means that Avery, whose clothes are small, can have his small dresser.

That's it on the bottom.  The top part was something I found in the back lot of the Salvation Army for $15.  I was thrilled, because it looks somewhat antique.  It needs a little cleaning up, and we need to get rid of the sticker someone left inside the cupboad-it's a badger saying, "Hello!" lol....very strange.  Anyways, hope I didn't bore you with that part of the blog.  I'm just really excited about our house getting closer to being ready for the baby, and had to share.

Not much else new this week, besides the baby dropping.  Just means a few more aches and pains, and every time I get up in the night to use the bathroom my entire pelvis crackles and pops.  It's very exciting though, because it means the exciting part's getting closer.  There's been a couple signs that I've been able to check off that mean labor's coming soon, but I won't gross you all out with those.

So now here's some more memories:

This was at 2 or 3 months, when I went through all of my clothes and packed up what wouldn't fit over my growing child.  I thought this would be the only time I had to do this.  Boy, was I wrong.  I'm still trying on and going through things and finding out what works on weekly basis.  It's getting to where most of my maternity shirts aren't long enough anymore, and I have to be very careful to check on my tummy every time I'm in public.  I've unearthed some of Brad's really old, really big t-shirts.  Honestly, though, when I'm just at home alone or with Brad, I've taken to just pulling up my shirts and letting my tummy be bare.  I never thought I'd dislike wearing clothes so much, but this warm weather's doing it's work on me.

Here's at 17 weeks.  My caption that I wrote under this picture said something about this shirt "workin' hard."  This shirt's been out of work for awhile now :)

I took this at about 18 weeks.  Can't wear that dress now, either :)  I really like this picture.

And then, we found out that she was a she :)  Very exciting day.  The ultrasound tech was a little rough, and I was sore for awhile, AND she wasn't satisfied with our reaction to the news (silent tears and smiles to one another), but she couldn't ruin it for us.  We had been under the impression that we had ourselves a boy a-cookin' in there, but we were just as delighted to find out we were wrong.  The next couple of hours consisted of taking Brad back to work and then dodging the phone calls asking what news we'd received.  I wanted to do something at least a little creative to announce our news and not just spit it out, but our dear family made it pretty difficult ;)  So I went out and bought this onesie with the sweet little pink flowers, took a picture, and sent it out into the world.  Very exciting day.

That's all for now.  Thanks for reading!

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